The Middle Ages, heavily romanticised of course, inspired this collection of Victorian art. During the Victorian age, the humble Medieval craftsman was exalted as a true artist, free from the pressures of the factory and mechanized production to produce unique items of beauty. The Gothic Revival, led by its champion John Ruskin, touched all areas of art and design. The renewed interest in the pre-Industrial age, coupled with the new direction in English painted pioneered by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, created an environment in which some of the world's most beautiful paintings were produced. |
The Accolade 1901 Edmund Blair-Leighton |
Destiny 1900 John William Waterhouse |
The Temptation of Sir Percival c. 1894 Arthur Hacker |
La Belle Dame Sans Merci Sir Frank Dicksee |
The Lady of Shallot 1888 John William Waterhouse |
Ophelia Sir John Everett Millais |
La Belle Dame Sans Merci 1893 John William Waterhouse |
The Wedding of St George and the Princess Sabra Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
The Blue Closet 1857 Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
Chivalry c. 1885 Sir Frank Dicksee |
Ophelia 1894 John William Waterhouse |
Mariana 1851 Sir John Everett Millais |